Associate of Applied Science

Nursing (ADN) - Mobility Option


The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing-Mobility program enables the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and Licensed Paramedic to complete a 3-semester curriculum leading to an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing. Upon successful completion of one of the two nursing mobility curriculum tracks, the student will be qualified to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination: NCLEX-RN.

Admissions Requirements- Mobility Option

In addition to the general admission requirements for the College, admission into the nursing program requires:

  1. Unconditional admission to the college.
  2. Receipt of completed application for admission to nursing program before published deadline.
  3. A minimum established score on accepted examination:
    1. ATI TEAS - a minimum TOTAL score of 58.7% on the TEAS exam. Scores valid for three years or;
    2. NLN Pre-Admission (PAX) examination - a minimum composite score of 116 on the PAX exam. Scores valid for three years or;
    3. ACT - a minimum COMPOSITE score of 21 on ACT exam. Scores are valid for three years.
  4. A minimum of 2.5 GPA for nursing required academic core courses.
  5. Meet the essential functions for nursing.
  6. Completion of prerequisite courses: ENG 101, MTH 100 or higher, BIO 201, BIO 202, PSY 210, and SPH 106 or SPH 107.
  7. Proof of unencumbered or non-restricted Alabama Practical Nursing License, which must be kept current for the duration of the program OR proof of unencumbered or non-restricted Alabama Paramedic License, which must be kept current for the duration of the program. All paramedic applicants must have a minimum Associate’s Degree.

Track One Option

Students who did not earn their practical nursing certificate from an approved Alabama Community College System (ACCS) concept-based curriculum within two-years and/or do not meet the requirement for 25% course completion at CVCC must complete Nursing-Mobility Track One, which includes NUR 209: Concepts for Healthcare Transition Students. After successful completion of NUR 209, the student will be awarded fifteen (15) hours of non-traditional credit, in addition to the ten (10) hours for the course, for a total of twenty-five (25) hours. 

Area I: Written and Oral Communication

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Area II: Humanities and Fine Arts

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Area III: Natural Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Area IV: History, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Area V: Career and Technical Courses

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits


*ENG 101, SPH 106, BIO 201, BIO 202, MTH 100, PSY 210: Pre-requisite courses for the A.A.S. in Nursing Mobility program.

Track One Suggested Course Sequence

First Term Second Term Third Term

NUR 209

NUR 211

BIO 220

NUR 221

Humanities Elective

Track Two Option

Students who earned a practical nursing certificate from an approved Alabama Community College System (ACCS) concept-based curriculum within two years and meet the requirement for 25% course completion at CVCC may be eligible to complete Nursing-Mobility Track Two. Eligible students are exempt from taking NUR 209: Concepts for Healthcare Transition Students and will enter the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing-Mobility program during the second semester of the mobility curriculum.

Calculation of Points for Applicants Meeting Minimum Admission Standards:

After meeting all minimum requirements, applicants are rank-ordered using a point system based on:

  1. ATI TEAS total score or NLN Pre-Admission (PAX) or ACT examination composite score. SCORES must be less than three years old.
  2. Points from Nursing required college courses (i.e. ENG101, MTH100 or higher, BIO201 and  BIO202). Points for grades are as follows:  A = 3 points, B = 2 points, and C = 1 point.*
  3. Students may be awarded up, but not to exceed, 10 additional points, as determined by   college policy and procedures.*
    1. Applicants who have completed and been awarded a practical nursing certificate at CVCC or applicants who have completed and been awarded an A.A. S. in Medical Assisting at CVCC will receive an additional ten (10) points towards admission OR
    2. Applicants who have completed ENG 101, MTH 100 or higher, BIO 201 and BIO 202 with a grade of “C” or higher at CVCC or at another institution and have received transfer credit at CVCC, or applicant who have completed a minimum of twelve (12) hours of college-level coursework at CVCC or applicants who have completed and been awarded a Medical Assisting short certificate (Medical Assisting, Phlebotomy, Electronic Health Records Specialists, Medical Administrative Assistant) at CVCC will receive five (5) additional points toward admission OR
    3. Applicants who have completed NAS 100: Long-term Care Nursing Assistant and receive a “C” or higher at CVCC or applicants who have completed MAT 218: EKG Technician and received a “C” or higher at CVCC or applicants who received a nationally accredited medical assisting certification (current) will receive there (3) additional points toward admission.

* In order to receive Nursing required college course and/or additional points, courses must have been completed, with a grade of ‘C’ or better, prior to application deadline. Official transcripts reflecting grade MUST be on file in CVCC Admissions and an unofficial copy attached to nursing application in order to be considered for ranking purposes.

Nursing Program Progression Policy

  1. In order to progress in the nursing program, the student must:
    1. Complete all non-nursing courses during or before the semester they are designated within the curriculum.
    2. Achieve a grade of “C” or better in all required general education and nursing courses.
    3. Be acceptable by all clinical agencies for clinical experiences.
    4. Maintain ability to meet essential functions for nursing with or without reasonable accommodations.
    5. Maintain all program health requirements.
  2. A total of two (2) unsuccessful attempts in two separate semesters (D, F, or W) in the nursing program will result in dismissal from the program.
  3. A student may be reinstated to the nursing program only one time. Reinstatement is not guaranteed due to limitations in clinical spaces. All nursing program admission standards at the time of reinstatement must be met.
  4. A student must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the current institution for reinstatement.
  5. If a student has a documented extenuating circumstance that should be considered related to a withdrawal or failure, then this student may request a hearing before the nursing admissions committee or other appropriate college committee for a decision on repeating a course or readmission to the program.
  6. Students who are unsuccessful in NUR 112 or NUR 209 must apply for readmissions the CVCC Nursing Programs.
  7. Students whose second unsuccessful attempt occurs in NUR211 or 221 may apply for the Mobility program. These students must meet all admission requirements for Mobility at the time of application, including a 2.5 cumulative GPA and valid Alabama Practical Nursing License.


Reinstatement:  Students who have a withdrawal or failure in a Nursing course and are eligible to return to that course will be considered for reinstatement to the program.

Readmission:  Students not eligible for reinstatement may apply for program admission as a new student and must submit all application criteria. If accepted as a new student the student must take or retake all Nursing program courses.

Process for Reinstatement

  1. Apply for readmission to the college if not currently enrolled. College readmission must be accomplished by published deadlines.
  2. Apply for reinstatement to the nursing program and submit the application and letter of intent by the published deadline to the Health Sciences Secretary/Coordinator.
  3. Submit ATI TEAS, NLN PAX, or ACT scores for purpose of reinstatement plan and determining reinstatement eligibility.
    1. ATI TEAS exam score. Scores must be from exam completed at the time student is seeking reinstatement. Individuals seeking reinstatement must achieve greater than 65%.
    2. NLN PAX exam score. Scores must be less than three years old. Individuals seeking reinstatement must achieve greater than 120.
    3. ACT exam score. Scores must be less than three years old. Individuals seeking reinstatement must achieve greater than 21.
  4. Schedule reinstatement counseling appointment with the Health Sciences Director to develop and discuss reinstatement plan.
  5. Update immunizations, CPR, drug testing, and background screening according to program policy.

Transfer Policy

The transfer policy applies to students desiring to transfer between Alabama Community College System institutions. It does not apply to students wishing to transfer to or from institutions outside of the Alabama Community College System.

Criteria for Transfer

  1. Must meet minimum admission standards for the nursing program.
  2. Must possess a grade of C or better in all nursing program required courses taken at another institution and possess a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the time of transfer.
  3. Dean/Director of previous nursing program must provide a letter of eligibility for progression in previous nursing program.
  4. Must comply with all program policy requirements at the accepting institution at the time of transfer.
  5. Complete at least 25% of the nursing program required courses for degree/certificate at the accepting institution.
  6. Must meet acceptability criteria for placement at clinical agencies for clinical experience.
  7. Acceptance of transfer students into nursing programs is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting minimal standards does not guarantee acceptance.
  8. Students transferring to CVCC must demonstrate academic, pharmacological calculation, and skills competency as defined in the Process for Transfer/Transient.

Transient Student Policy

The transient policy applies only to students desiring to transfer between Alabama Community College System institutions. It does not apply to students wishing to transfer to or from institutions outside of the Alabama Community College System. 

Criteria for Transient Status

  1. Must meet minimum admission standards for the nursing program.
  2. Must possess a grade of C or better in all nursing program required courses taken at another institution and possess a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
  3. Dean/Director of previous nursing program must provide a letter of eligibility for progression in previous nursing program.
  4. A student enrolled at another institution must secure permission from that institution by submitting an application for admission to the College and a Transient Letter Form completed by an official (Nursing Program Dean/Director) of the primary institution.
  5. Transient students must complete a Transcript Request Form at the end of the term before a transcript will be issued to the primary institution.
  6. Must comply with all program policy requirements at accepting institution at the time of acceptance.
  7. Must meet acceptability criteria for placement at clinical agencies for clinical experience.
  8. Acceptance of transient student into a nursing program is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available.
  9. Transient students to CVCC must demonstrate academic, pharmacological calculation, and skills competency as defined in the Process for Transfer/Transient.

Process for Transfer/Transient

Students must do the following:

  1. Apply for admission to the College if not currently enrolled. College admission must be accomplished by published deadlines.
  2. Apply for transfer to the nursing program and submit the application and letter of intent (“I would like to transfer to the nursing program in spring 2022”) by the published deadline to the Health Sciences Secretary/Coordinator.
  3. Submit ATI TEAS, NLN PAX, or ACT scores for the purpose of remediation plan and determining transfer eligibility:
    1. ATI TEAS exam score. Scores must be from exam completed at time student is seeking transfer. Individual seeking transfer must achieve greater total score than a 58.7% which is “proficient”.
    2. NLN PAX exam score. Scores must be less than three years old. Individuals seeking reinstatement must achieve greater than 116.
    3. ACT exam score. Scores must be less than three years old. Individuals seeking reinstatement must achieve greater than 21.
  4. Schedule transfer counseling appointment with the Health Sciences Director to develop and discuss transfer success plan.
  5. Update immunizations, BLS, drug screen, and background check according to program policy.

Program Completion

Students completing NUR 112, 113, 114, and 115 and required academic courses will be awarded the Practical Nursing certificate. Students who have completed required academic courses and continue in the program through completion of NUR 211 and 221 will be awarded an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing. Students are responsible for meeting all the progression and graduation requirements, including all necessary graduation fees for the Practical Nursing certificate and the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing. 

PN Progression 

Students successfully completing NUR 112, 113, 114, and 115 at an Alabama Community College System institution that only offers the PN program and who wish to transfer to another Alabama Community College System institution to complete the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, must meet the requirement for 25% course completion at the college of graduation. Students who cannot meet the 25% course requirement must apply for Mobility and take the transition course to meet the 25% course requirement.

Administrative Withdrawal/Drop

A student may be dropped administratively from any course for 

  1. Failure to complete college registration properly;
  2. Failure to fulfill conditions of registration in those cases when a student may have been allowed to register on a conditional basis;
  3. Falsification of application and/or records such as health insurance;
  4. Failure to fulfill other conditions of admissions and/or registration;
  5. Failure to comply with student conduct standards;
  6. Failure to attend class(es); and
  7. Failure to comply with the “Standards of Practice” as established by the Alabama Board of Nursing.

Conditions for Dismissal from Nursing Program

A student may be dismissed from the nursing program under any of the following conditions:

  1. Two unsuccessful attempts in two separate semesters. Withdrawal and/or a D or F in one  or more courses in a term is considered one attempt.
  2. Disciplinary reasons which may include, but are not limited to the following:
    1. HIPPA violation
    2. FERPA violation
    3. Cheating
    4. Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct which may warrant suspension or expulsion as defined in the CVCC Catalog and Student Handbook.

Essential Functions

The Alabama Community College System endorses the Americans with Disabilities Act. In accordance with College policy, when requested, reasonable accommodations may be provided for individuals with disabilities.

Physical, cognitive, psychomotor, affective and social abilities are required in unique combinations to provide safe and effective nursing care. The applicant/student must be able to meet the essential functions with or without reasonable accommodations throughout the program of learning. Admission, progression and graduation are contingent upon one’s ability to demonstrate the essential functions delineated for the nursing programs with or without reasonable accommodations. The nursing program and/or its affiliated clinical agencies may identify additional essential functions. The nursing program reserves the right to amend the essential functions as deemed necessary.

In order to be admitted and to progress in the nursing program one must possess a functional level of ability to perform the duties required of a nurse. Admission or progression may be denied if a student is unable to demonstrate the essential functions with or without reasonable accommodations. 

The essential functions delineated are those deemed necessary the Alabama Community College System nursing program. No representation regarding industrial standards is implied. Similarly, any reasonable accommodations made will be determined and applied to the respective nursing program and may vary from reasonable accommodations made by healthcare employers.

The essential functions delineated below are necessary for nursing program admission, progression and graduation and for the provision of safe and effective nursing care. The essential functions include but are not limited to the ability to: 

  1. Sensory Perception  
    1. Visual
      1. Observe and discern subtle changes in physical conditions and the environment
      2. Visualize different color spectrums and color changes
      3. Read fine print in varying levels of light
      4. Read for prolonged periods of time
      5. Read cursive writing
      6. Read at varying distances  
      7. Read data/information displayed on monitors/equipment  
    2. Auditory
      1. Interpret monitoring devices
      2. Distinguish muffled sounds heard through a stethoscope
      3. Hear and discriminate high and low frequency sounds produced by the body and the environment
      4. Effectively hear to communicate with others
    3. Tactile
      1. Discern tremors, vibrations, pulses, textures, temperature, shapes, size, location, and other physical characteristics
    4. Olfactory
      1. Detect body odors and odors in the environment
  2. Communication/Interpersonal Relationships  
    1. Verbally and in writing engage in a two-way communication and interact effectively with others, from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds  
    2. Work effectively in groups  
    3. Work effectively independently  
    4. Discern and interpret nonverbal communication  
    5. Express one’s ideas and feelings clearly
    6. Communicate with others accurately in a timely manner  
    7. Obtain communications from a computer
  3. Cognitive/Critical Thinking  
    1. Effectively read, write and comprehend the English language
    2. Consistently and dependably engage in the process of critical thinking in order to formulate and implement safe and ethical nursing decisions in a variety of health care settings
    3. Demonstrate satisfactory performance on written examinations including mathematical computations without a calculator
    4. Satisfactorily achieve the program objectives
  4. Motor Function  
    1. Handle small delicate equipment/objects without extraneous movement, contamination or destruction  
    2. Move, position, turn, transfer, assist with lifting or lift and carry clients without injury to clients, self or others  
    3. Maintain balance from any position  
    4. Stand on both legs  
    5. Coordinate hand/eye movements
    6. Push/pull heavy objects without injury to client, self or others  
    7. Stand, bend, walk and/or sit for 6-12 hours in a clinical setting performing physical activities requiring energy without jeopardizing the safety of the client, self or others  
    8. Walk without a cane, walker or crutches
    9. Function with hands free for nursing care and transporting items
    10. Transport self and client without the use of electrical devices
    11. Flex, abduct and rotate all joints freely
    12. Respond rapidly to emergency situations
    13. Maneuver in small areas  
    14. Perform daily care functions for the client  
    15. Coordinate fine and gross motor hand movements to provide safe effective nursing care
    16. Calibrate/use equipment  
    17. Execute movement required to provide nursing care in all health care settings
    18. Perform CPR and physical assessment
    19. Operate a computer
  5. Professional Behavior  
    1. Convey caring, respect, sensitivity, tact, compassion, empathy, tolerance and a healthy attitude toward others  
    2. Demonstrate a mentally healthy attitude that is age appropriate in relationship to the client  
    3. Handle multiple tasks concurrently  
    4. Perform safe, effective nursing care for clients in a caring context
    5. Understand and follow the policies and procedures of the College and clinical agencies
    6. Understand the consequences of violating the student code of conduct
    7. Understand that posing a direct threat to others is unacceptable and subjects one to discipline 
    8. Meet qualifications for licensure by examination as stipulated by the Alabama Board of Nursing
    9. Not to pose a threat to self or others
    10. Function effectively in situations of uncertainty and stress inherent in providing nursing care  
    11. Adapt to changing environments and situations
    12. Remain free of chemical dependency  
    13. Report promptly to clinicals and remain for 6-12 hours on the clinical unit  
    14. Provide nursing care in an appropriate time frame  
    15. Accept responsibility, accountability and ownership of one’s actions  
    16. Seek supervision/consultation in a timely manner  
    17. Examine and modify one’s own behavior when it interferes with nursing care or learning

Upon admission an individual who discloses a disability can request reasonable accommodations. Individuals will be asked to provide documentation of the disability in order to assist with the provision of appropriate reasonable accommodations. The respective College will provide reasonable accommodations but is not required to substantially alter the requirements or nature of the program or provide accommodations that inflict an undue burden on the respective College. In order to be admitted one must be able to perform all of the essential functions with or without reasonable accommodations. If an individual’s health changes during the program of learning so that the essential functions cannot be met with or without reasonable accommodations, the student will be withdrawn from the nursing program. The nursing faculty reserves the right at any time to require an additional medical examination at the student’s expense in order to assist with the evaluation of the student’s ability to perform the essential functions.

Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the ADA Coordinator:

Vickie Williams, Associate Dean of Student Development and Success 

Total Credits