Child Care and Development

Degrees and Certificates


CHD 100: Introduction to Early Care and Education of Children

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces students to the child education and care profession. It is designed to increase understanding of the basic concepts of child development and the developmental characteristics of children from birth through age 8/9 years, including infant and toddler and pre- school years. This course is the foundation for planning appropriate activities for children and establishing appropriate expectations of young children. This class also offers an opportunity to study the developmental domains (social emotional, cognitive/language and physical). Course includes observations of the young child in early childhood settings.

CHD 201: Child Growth and Development Principles

Semester Hours 3
This course is a systematic study of child growth and development from conception through early childhood. Emphasis is on principles underlying physical, mental, emotional and social development and methods of child study and practical implications. Upon completion, students will be able to use knowledge of how young children differ in development and approaches to learning to provide opportunities that support physical, social, emotional, language, cognitive and aesthetic development. This is a CORE course.

CHD 202: Children’s Creative Experience

Semester Hours 3
This course focus on fostering creativity in preschool children and developing a creative attitude in teachers. Topics include selecting and developing creative experiences in language arts, music, art, science, math, and math and movement with observation and participation with young children required. On completion students will be able to select and implement creative and age-appropriate experiences for young children.

CHD 203: Children’s Literature and Language Development

Semester Hours 3
This course surveys appropriate literature and language arts activities designed to enhance young children’s speaking, listening, pre-reading and writing skills. Emphasis is placed on developmental appropriateness as related to language. Upon completion, students should be able to create, evaluate and demonstrate activities which support a language-rich environment for young children.

CHD 204: Methods and Materials for Teaching Children

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces basic methods and materials used in teaching young children. Emphasis is placed on students compiling a professional resource file of activities used for teaching math, language arts, science and social studies concepts. Upon completion students will be able to demonstrate basic methods of creating learning experiences using developmentally appropriate techniques, materials and realistic expectations, including infant and toddler and pre-school. Course includes observations of young children in a variety of childcare environments. Note: CGM must teach this as a 2-1-3 configuration of theory/lab hours. This is a CORE course.

CHD 205: Program Planning for Educating Young Children

Semester Hours 3
This course provides students with knowledge to develop programs for early child development. Specific content includes a review of child development concepts and program contents. Upon completion students will be able to develop and evaluate effective programs for the education of young children.

CHD 206: Children’s Health and Safety

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces basic health, nutrition and safety management practices for young children. Emphasis is placed on how to set up and maintain safe, healthy environments for young children including specific procedures for infants and toddlers and procedures regarding childhood illnesses and communicable diseases.

CHD 208: Administration of Child Development Programs

Semester Hours 3
This course includes appropriate administrative policies and procedures relevant to preschool programs. Topics include local, state, and federal regulations, budget planning, record keeping, personnel policies and parent involvement. On completion, students should be able to identify elements of a sound business plan, develop familiarity basic record-keeping techniques, and identify elements of a developmentally appropriate program.

CHD 209: Infant and Toddler Education Programs

Semester Hours 3
This course focuses on child development from infancy through thirty-five months of age with emphasis on planning programs using developmentally appropriate materials. Emphasis is placed on positive ways to support an infant or toddler’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. Upon completion, the students should be able to plan an infant- toddler program and environment that is appropriate and supportive of the families and the children.

CHD 210: Educating Exceptional Children

Semester Hours 3
This course explores the many different types of exceptionalities found in young children. Topics include speech, language, hearing and visual impairments, gifted and talented children, mental retardation, emotional, behavioral, and neurological handicaps. Upon completion, students should be able to identify appropriate strategies for working with children