Student Records & the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

CVCC maintains information about students that enhances their educational development and the effective administration of the College. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 defines the rights of the student with regard to records and other information that may be maintained and/or released. To guarantee the rights of privacy and access provided by this Act, CVCC has adopted the following policies and procedures:

Definition of Records

For the purposes of this policy, a student’s educational records are defined as: files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by the College or a person acting on behalf of the College. Specifically excluded from the definition of “educational records” and not open to inspection by students are the following materials:

  1. Records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel that are in the sole possession of the maker and accessible only to the maker or a designated assistant to the maker.
  2. Records of campus security except when they have been transmitted within the College for administrative purposes.
  3. Records created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized professional or para-professional acting in a professional or para-professional capacity or assisting in that capacity and which are created, maintained or used only in connection with the provision of diagnosis or treatment to the student and are not available to anyone other than the persons providing such treatment or to such other persons as may be authorized in writing by the student to receive such information from such records.

Directory Information

A student has the right to have his/her name and directory information concerning him/her omitted from any directory published and distributed on or off campus. Directory information consists of: name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, honors and awards, and dates attended.

When a student requests that any part of his/her directory information be withheld, all directory information concerning him/her will be omitted from all publications. Students desiring to have any directory information withheld must submit a written request to the  Admissions Office. The request must be renewed each academic year. Information from records, files, or data directly related to a student other than “directory” information will not be disclosed to anyone outside the College without written consent from the student except pursuant to a lawful court order, in a case in which education or government officials have an educational or lawful need for information or as otherwise specifically authorized by the Act. However, information contained in such records may be disclosed within the College to officials and staff members who need that particular information. Students have access to all such information about themselves with the exceptions outlined in this policy statement.

Release of Student Records

In compliance with and pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, a student’s records will not be released by College personnel except with written consent from the student, a written request in the form of a court order, and/or as otherwise expressly provided in the Act.

If a student wishes to have such records released or reviewed by a third party, the student must submit a written consent to the proper records official and, in such consent, specify the records to be released or reviewed, the person or persons to whom records are to be released or by whom the records are to be reviewed and, if desired, a request for copies of the respective records to be made available to the student. After receipt of such written consent, CVCC will then grant appropriate access to the information to the party or parties designated by the student. A service fee will be charged for producing photocopies of records that are requested to be copied by the student or by the person to whom the student gives permission to request photocopies.

Records officials will be place in each student’s file a record of all requests for access to the file, the name of each person making a request for information from the file, the agency or institution represented by each person making a request, and the action taken by the records official in response to the request. However, such a record will not necessarily be kept for requests made by CVCC officials who have a need for access to the respective student file. An inspection of individual student records will be supervised by the appropriate records official and the student’s record will not be removed from the designated records official’s office.

Student Inspection of Records

Each student may inspect records, files, and data primarily related to the respective student in the presence of the appropriate records official. To inspect his/her file, a student should go to the office of the appropriate records officials (primarily the Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office, or Dean of Students and Campus Services) and submit a written request. If the student cannot personally appear, the student must submit a notarized request to the appropriate records official. College personnel who have knowledge of the individual’s record will be present to explain the contents of the file.

After receiving a written request from a student to review his/her college record, the records official will arrange, as promptly as is reasonably possible (not to exceed 45 days), a time when the records may be reviewed in the presence of appropriate College personnel. The student is not permitted to remove the file or remove any of its contents for purposes of reproducing materials within the file unless permission is granted by the records official. To review a file, the student must present student identification/driver’s license and the completed appropriate form(s) certifying that he/she has requested to review his/her records and that CVCC complied with the request. If, in the opinion of the appropriate records official, inspection can reasonably be accomplished by providing copies of documents, such copies will be made and provided to the student.

The student may obtain an unofficial copy of his/her academic record without charge with a written request to CVCC. An unofficial copy is defined as a copy that does not bear the official seal of the College but is otherwise a true copy. Records officials will not photocopy or otherwise reproduce copies of student transcripts or other information obtained from transfer students pursuant to official transfer requirements.

Challenging Records Content

CVCC will respond to any reasonable request from a student for an explanation or interpretation of any item in the student’s file. A challenge concerning the contents of a student’s must first be made to the appropriate records within five days from the date of the review of the record. The challenge may be made orally or in writing and shall begin with the office that houses the file with the objective of resolving the matter informally at the lowest-level position. If, as a result of the procedure outlined, the matter is not resolved within five working days, that challenge should be filed in writing to the Dean of Students and Campus Services specifying the following: (a) the specific records being challenged, including the reason for the challenge (e.g., inaccuracy, tendency to mislead, inappropriateness or incompleteness); (b) results of previous discussions, and (c) dissatisfaction with previous decisions. The Dean of Students and Campus Services and the appropriate records official will examine the contested item(s), review information from the person(s) responsible for placing the item(s) in the file, examine the document(s) and review any information the student wishes to present in support of making a change to the file. The Dean of Students and Campus Services and the appropriate records official will issue a written decision within 10 days of the conclusion of the review as to whether the challenged item(s) should be retained, deleted, or revised. If it is determined that the item should remain in the file, the student will have the option to place a brief written commentary or explanation of his/ her challenge in the file.

Annual Notification of FERPA Rights

Chattahoochee Valley Community College will give annual notice to current students of their rights under the Act by publishing information in this Catalog and Student Handbook and by disseminating the Annual Notification Statement via campus to all students each semester. New students will also receive information concerning their rights under the Act through participation in ORI105B.

Waiver of Access

CVCC may request that a student waive his/her right to inspect confidential recommendations regarding his/her application for admission, application for employment, or the receipt of honors or other recognition. If a student receives a request for a waiver of access, the student may sign and return the waiver and/or may request a list of the names of persons who will be asked for recommendation before signing or refusing to waive the right of access. This waiver will not be a condition of admission to the institution, financial aid assistance, or any other benefit available to students at CVCC.

Changes in Policy

CVCC policies are subject to change when necessitated by federal or state statutes, regulations, guidelines, or court orders. Changes in policy will be included in subsequent appropriate College publications. All student policies, procedures, and publications are reviewed annually then approved by the College Administration.

Student Records Hold

A student’s records may be placed on hold for any debt the student owes the College for tuition, fees, fines, unpaid damages, bad checks, unpaid loans, bookstore holds or any other appropriate charge to the student by the College. The student may not receive a grade report, have a transcript sent, or register at CVCC for another academic term until the debt has been resolved.

Withholding Diplomas and Transcripts

CVCC believes that a College degree or certificate has true merit and meaning only if it is granted after a student has demonstrated a level of effort and responsibility indicative of a College graduate. Therefore, it is the policy of the College that a student earns entitlement to a degree, diploma, or certificate only by successfully completing a prescribed course of study; paying all tuition, fees, and other appropriate charges, and fully abiding by College rules, policies and regulations. If a student fails to meet any of these basic requirements for graduation, the College reserves the right to withhold official graduation and awarding of the degree, diploma, or certificate until the student corrects the deficiency. The College may also include a notation on the student’s official transcript that the student is ineligible for graduation.

A student who fails to make timely payment of any tuition, fees, or other appropriate charges will not receive official notice of grades for a current academic term and may not re-enroll at the College, except with special permission from the President, until full payment is made. The College may also refuse to issue the official transcript of any student who fails to make timely payment of tuition, fees, or other appropriate charges until full payment is made.

The Dean of Students and Campus Services has the authority to withhold official graduation, diplomas, certificates and/or release of official transcripts in a manner consistent with the intent of this policy.

When the College intends to withhold official graduation from a student; withhold the awarding of a degree, diploma or a certificate to a student; withhold the official transcript or declare a student ineligible for further enrollment, the Director of Admissions/Registrar will give written notice to the student. The notice will be either delivered by personal service, emailed to student’s official College email, or mailed to the student’s last-known home address. The notice will state the type of action the College intends to take. A copy of the notice will be sent to the Dean of Students and Campus Services.

A student who receives notice that any of the above described actions has the right to meet with the Dean of Students and Campus Services or his/her designee and request that the action not be taken. If the student shows that the stated basis for the action is erroneous, or if the student satisfies the Dean of Students and Campus Services that the respective problem will be resolved within a time frame acceptable to the Dean of Students and Campus Services, or if the Dean of Students and Campus Services determines for any other appropriate reason that the intended action should be rescinded or modified, the Dean of Students and Campus Services may withdraw or modify the action. The Dean of Students and Campus Services or his/her designee will give written notice to the student and the Admissions Office of such a decision or modification. The Dean of Students and Campus Services may also base such a decision or modification on conditions that the student meet certain stated requirements and, in such cases, the Dean of Students and Campus Services may reimpose the action if the student does not meet stated conditions.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Regarding Financial Aid

As a student, you have the right to know the following information regarding financial aid at Chattahoochee Valley Community College:

  • The name of its accrediting and licensing organizations;
  • About its programs, its institutional laboratories, and other physical facilities, and its faculty;
  • About the cost of attending and its policy on refunds to students who withdraw;
  • What financial assistance is available, including information on all federal, state, local, private, and institutional financial aid programs;
  • What are the procedures and deadline for submitting applications for each financial aid program;
  • What criteria are used to select financial aid recipients;
  • What financial need is determined;
  • How and when students on financial aid will receive a disbursement;
  • How the school determines whether a student is making satisfactory progress and what happens if the student is not and;
  • What special facilities and serves are available to students with disabilities.

As a student, you have the following responsibilities:

  • Review all information about the College programs before enrolling;
  • Pay special attention to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), complete it accurately, and submit it timely;
  • Know and comply with all deadlines for applying and reapplying for financial aid;
  • Provide all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by the Financial Aid Officer or the agency to which the application was made;
  • Read, understand, and keep copies of all forms the student is asked to sign;
  • Notify the Admissions Office of any change in the student’s name, address, program of study, or attendance status;
  • Understand the refund policy.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Chattahoochee Valley Community College desires to make provisions for students to be as knowledgeable as possible regarding College policies and procedures and their rights and responsibilities relating to them. The information in this section and the sections that follow are designed to clarify information pertaining to rights granted to students and responsibilities student should fulfill as members of the Chattahoochee Valley Community College family. Submission of an Application for Admission to Chattahoochee Valley Community College represents a voluntary decision on the part of the prospective student to participate in the programs offered by the College and pursuant to the policies and procedures of the College, the Alabama Community College System, and state and federal agencies where applicable. College approval of a student’s application, in turn, represents the extension of a privilege to join the College community and to remain a part of it as long as he or she meets the required academic and behavioral standards. Each individual student is guaranteed the privilege of exercising his or her rights without fear or prejudice. Such rights include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Students are free to pursue their educational goals.
  • No disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on student without the recourse of due process, except as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Free inquiry, expression, and assembly are guaranteed to all students, provided their actions do not interfere with the rights of others or the effective operation of the College.
  • Academic evaluation of student performance will be neither arbitrary nor capricious.
  • Students and prospective students have the right to review certain relevant information concerning College graduation and completion rates and any instances of campus criminal activity.
  • Within the limits of its facilities on both campuses and sites, Chattahoochee Valley Community College will be open to all persons without regard to sex, race, creed,  religion, age, marital status, disability, or national origin.
  • It is the responsibility of the College to publish its educational objectives and to make available the criteria it will use in evaluating student success in all programs. It is the responsibility of the student to acquaint himself or herself with these objectives and  criteria as published and set forth by the College.
  • The facilities and services of the College will be available to all enrolled students,  provided they are used in a manner that is appropriate to an academic environment and with regard to College policies and operating procedures.
  • The Student Code of Conduct of Chattahoochee Valley Community College addresses behavior and actions that have an adverse impact on the achievement of educational goals. It is the responsibility of the student to become familiar with the regulations governing student conduct and to adhere to policies where applicable.
  • Lack of knowledge regarding College policies will not excuse any student from adherence to policies or sanctions that may be imposed for violations. The College  reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct and behavior pose a threat to the College environment or the health, safety, or security of others.

Student Right to Know

CVCC students and prospective students have the right to review certain relevant information concerning CVCC’s graduation rates and any instance(s) of on-campus criminal activity. Information related to CVCC graduation rates is available through the Admissions Office and at Information obtained and retained under the Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 may be obtained from the CVCC website under Consumer Information. Regulations and statements pertaining to student rights and responsibilities are annually reviewed, approved, and updated by the Office of the Dean of Students and Campus Services, approved by the President’s Cabinet and published in the College Catalog and Student Handbook as well as under the Consumer Information section of the College website These rights and responsibilities are consistent for all students, regardless of location or mode of delivery, (e.g., online students, dual enrollment students). In addition, rights and responsibilities are also outlined in the 2023-2024 Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy Manual, the 2023-2024 Student Complaints and Grievances Policy Manual, and the 2023-2024 Disability Services Policy and Procedures Manual, which is also found on the College website.