Grades and Quality Points

A letter grade is assigned in each college credit course in which the student is enrolled at the end of the semester. A quality-point value per semester hour is assigned to each letter grade.

Letter Grade Meaning Quality
Excellent 4.00
B Good 3.00
C Average 2.00
D Poor 1.00
F Failure 0.00
W* Withdrawal NONE
I Incomplete NONE

*A student may not be assigned a “W” after the deadline published in the official College calendar.

Definition of Terms

Grade Point Average (GPA): The average obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted during any one term at the institution based on a 4-point scale.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): The average obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted at the institution based on a 4-point scale.

Clear Academic Status: The status of a student whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is at or above the level required by this policy for the number of credit hours attempted at the institution.

Incomplete Grade

The grade of Incomplete (I) may be assigned when a student has been prevented from completing the requirements of a course due to exceptional circumstances.  Exceptional circumstances include unforeseen issues such as unexpected hospitalization, the death of an immediate family member, or other related catastrophic events.  The student must request a grade of Incomplete from the instructor. The instructor may grant or deny the request. A grade of Incomplete (I) must be cleared by the end of the following regular semester, or a final grade of “F” will automatically be recorded. This grade will be reported to the student at the end of the semester in which the grade is changed.

A grade of Incomplete (I) is not added to the total number of hours attempted until cleared. Students are cautioned that “I” grades may affect their eligibility for financial aid benefits.

Grade Reports and Grade Point Averages

At the end of each semester, students must go to the Website to check the final grades received for all courses in which they were enrolled during that semester. The grade report shows the semester hours attempted, the total quality points and credit hours earned, and a grade point average. A record of the total number of hours attempted, the total quality points earned, and a cumulative grade point average is included in the grade report. Grades cannot be expunged from the student’s permanent record after the grades have been recorded.

The grade point average is computed by multiplying the quality points earned by the credit value of each course and dividing the total quality points earned by the total credit hours attempted, as indicated by the example below:

Semester Hours

Letter Grade

Quality Points

Three sem. hrs. of 

 “A”  ×  4  =

12 quality points

Three sem. hrs. of 

 “B” ×   3 = 

Nine quality points

Three sem. hrs. of 

 “C” ×   2 = 

Six quality points

Three sem. hrs. of 

 “D” ×   1 = 

Three quality points

Three sem. hrs. of 

 “F”  ×  0 =

0 quality points


30 total quality points

30 quality points ÷ 15 hours attempted = 2.0 GPA

AU, I,  and W grades are omitted when computing a student’s grade point average (GPA) but will be recorded on a student’s transcript.

NOTE: Students enrolled in nursing programs must adhere to the policies set forth by the program.

Academic Honors

The College recognizes superior scholastic achievement by publishing the President’s List and the Dean’s List at the end of each semester. Students will receive congratulatory letters from the College President and/or the Dean of Instruction.

The President’s List recognizes students enrolled for at least 12 semester hours (excluding institutional credit hours) during a semester and earned a grade-point average of 4.00 (A).

The Dean’s List recognizes students who enroll for at least 12 semester hours (excluding institutional credit hours) during a semester and earn a grade-point average of 3.50 to 3.99 (B).

Students who consistently maintain high scholastic performance and meet other eligibility requirements may be invited to join the Alpha Theta Rho Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. For additional information, students may contact the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success at 334-214-4803.