

ART 100: Art Appreciation

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to help the student find personal meaning in works of art and develop a better understanding of the nature and validity of art. Emphasis is on the diversity of form and content in original art work. Upon completion, students should understand the fundamentals of art and the materials used and have a basic overview of the history of art.

ART 113: Drawing I

Semester Hours 3
This course provides the opportunity to develop perceptional and technical skills in a variety of media. Emphasis is placed on communication through experimenting with composition, subject matter and technique. Upon completion, students should demonstrate and apply the fundamentals of art to various creative drawing projects.

ART 114: Drawing II

Semester Hours 3
This course advances the students drawing skills in various art media. Emphasis is placed on communication through experimentation, composition, technique and personal expression. Upon completion, students should demonstrate creative drawing skills, the application of the fundamentals of art and the communication of personal thoughts and feelings.

ART 121: Two-Dimensional Composition I

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces the basic of concepts of two-dimensional design. Topics include: the elements and principles of design with emphasis on the arrangements and relationships among them. Upon completion, students should demonstrate an effective use of these elements and principles of design in creating two-dimensional compositions.

ART 203: Art History I

Semester Hours 3
This course covers the chronological development of different forms of art, such as sculpture, painting and architecture. Emphasis is placed on history from the ancient period through the Renaissance. Upon completion, students should be able to communicate a knowledge of time period and chronological sequence including a knowledge of themes, styles and of the impact of society on the arts.

ART 216: Printmaking I

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces various printmaking processes. Topics include relief, intaglio, serigraphy, or lithography and the creative process. Upon completion, students should have a basic understanding of the creative and technical problems associated with printmaking.

ART 231: Watercolor Painting I

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces materials and techniques appropriate to painting on paper with water based medium. Emphasis is placed on developing the technical skills and the expressive qualities of watercolor painting. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic proficiency in handling the techniques of watercolor and how it can be used for personal expression.

ART 232: Watercolor Painting II

Semester Hours 3
This course advances the skills and techniques of painting on paper using water based medium. Emphasis is placed on exploring the creative uses of watercolor and developing professional skills. Upon completion, students should demonstrate and compile a body of original paintings that reflect a personal awareness of the media’s potential.

ART 233: Painting I

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to introduce the student to fundamental painting processes and materials. Topics include: art fundamentals, color theory and composition. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the fundamentals of art and discuss various approaches to the media and the creative processes associated with painting.

ART 234: Painting II

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to develop the student’s knowledge of the materials and procedures of painting beyond the introductory level. Emphasis is placed on the creative and technical problems associated with communicating through composition and style. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the application of the fundamentals of painting and the creative process to the communication of ideas.

ART 273: Studio Photography I

Semester Hours 3
This course stresses image-making problems requiring studio or other controlled environment solutions. Topics include lights, props, and related equipment and techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the application of the fundamentals of painting and the creative process to the communication of ideas.

ART 283: Graphic Animation I

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to teach the art of animation as a continuation of the study of visual communication. Topics include story development, drawing, layout story boarding, directing, motion control, sound synchronization lighting and camera operation. Upon completion, students should understand the creative process as it relates to animation and demonstrate this knowledge through various projects.

ART 284: Graphic Animation II

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to teach the art of animation as a continuation of the study of visual communication. Topics include story development, drawing, layout story boarding, directing, motion control, sound synchronization lighting and camera operation. Upon completion, students should understand the creative process as it relates to animation and demonstrate this knowledge through various projects.

ART 286: Art for Teachers

Semester Hours 3
This course provides the opportunity for prospective teachers to experience and analyze art in order to effectively incorporate the art curriculum into the classroom. Emphasis is placed on the exploration of teaching skills using art knowledge and the aesthetic experience. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate art knowledge and the validity of the art curriculum.