Student Publications

Student publications at CVCC are expected to design to enhance the students’ experience at the College. A student and/or group of students wishing to publish materials to be used on campus must first seek the approval of the Dean of Students and Campus Services. If the proposed publication is expected to be funded by CVCC, it must be first approved by the Student Government Association. It is the responsibility of the student seeking publication approval to:

  1. Meet with the Dean of Students and Campus Services to discuss the nature of the publication and request approval.
  2. Submit the materials to be published and the requested time frame for publication to the Dean of Students and Campus Services.
  3. Adhere to be regulated by the procedures governing clubs and organizations on campus.

At the request of a student and/or group of students, the Dean of Students and Campus Services or his/her designee will review the materials presented for publication and make recommendations and suggestions. After the recommendations and suggestions have been reviewed with the student(s), the Dean of Students and Campus Services or his/her designee will channel the materials to the Student Government Association for approval when required. After the request has received final approval, the Dean of Students and Campus Services or his/her designee will contact the requesting student(s) and make arrangements for publication and/or distribution which will be processed through the Marketing and Media Coordinator/Public Information Officer.