University Parallel Programs

A university parallel program allows a student to complete the first two years of a baccalaureate degree. These programs are designed to transfer to a four-year college or university. CVCC offers two transfer degrees:

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts (A.A.)

Associate of Science in General Studies (A.S.)

The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees are awarded to students completing a planned university-parallel program to meet the requirements of the first two years of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. Since Area V requirements vary with individual four-year institutions, students must obtain approved university parallel degree plans from the appropriate academic divisions or Counseling, Advising, and Testing Services. Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees contain core requirements for general education. Since not all courses will satisfy these requirements in all programs, courses should be chosen from an approved degree plan to ensure they meet the requirements. The degree plan will also indicate the courses needed to complete the degree in addition to the general education core.

Students in the Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts degree program usually transfer to a four-year institution in such fields as Art, Elementary or Secondary Education, Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Music, or Theater.

Students in the Associate of Science in General Studies degree program usually transfer to a four-year institution in the Natural Sciences, Professional Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science, Business Administration, or Nursing.

As part of a transfer degree, students will take freshman- and sophomore-level general education courses in a wide range of disciplines. All students are required to complete a specific number of semester hours in English Composition (Area I), Humanities, Speech and Fine Arts (Area II), Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Area III), and History, Social and Behavioral Sciences (Area IV). These courses are referred to as CORE courses. In addition to CORE courses, students will choose Electives (Area V), which will more specifically prepare them for transfer in their particular field of interest.

While the College does not offer specific majors, such as those offered at the bachelor’s (four-year) degree level, the College is acutely aware that students should plan their course selection to meet the requirements at the transfer institution. Even though all general education coursework in Areas I through V will transfer, the specific Area V courses required for a major at different four-year institutions may vary. It is, therefore, most important that students consult their advisors and the catalog of the institution to which they wish to transfer to ensure proper transfer credit. Students should also contact an academic advisor at the senior institution who can provide definitive advice on major course requirements.

Alabama Transfers (formally known as STARS guide)

The AGSC stands for the Alabama Articulation and General Studies Committee. The AGSC was created in March 1994 through State Legislation (ACT 94-202).  The AGSC was designed to simplify the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education. To accomplish this task, the AGSC has developed and implemented a statewide general studies and articulation program that facilitates the transferability of coursework among all Alabama public colleges and universities. The AGSC continues to serve as a monitoring committee for the articulation program. They oversee and maintain the program on an ongoing basis. Finally, the AGSC works to resolve any student appeals related to the transfer of coursework as it relates to the articulation program.

Planning for Transferring

The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees, requiring sixty-four semester hours, are planned sets of courses leading to baccalaureate degrees. Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree students do not officially major in an academic discipline at CVCC. Majors are defined by the institution to which these students transfer. Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree students are assigned to advisors based on intended majors or fields of interest indicated. Students planning to transfer to a senior institution should decide the college and program to which they will transfer as early as possible.

Transfer guides have been developed for Alabama colleges and universities. Chattahoochee Valley Community College provides transfer guides and agreements for state colleges and universities through the Alabama Transfers program. Templates approved by the Articulation and General Studies Committee (AGSC) are available here.

Alabama Transfers is a computerized articulation and transfer planning system used to inform Alabama community college students about degree requirements, course equivalencies, and other transfer information pertaining to specific majors at each state-funded four-year institution. Alabama Transfers is an efficient and effective way of providing students, counselors, and educators with accurate information on which transfer decisions can be based. The Alabama Transfers database, if used properly, can prevent the loss of course credit hours, provide direction for scheduling coursework, and ease the transition from one institution to another. Students should request their guides or agreements when they meet with their academic advisors during their first semester at CVCC.

To ensure proper interpretation of the AGSC guides/agreements, students who have completed postsecondary coursework at other institutions should request an evaluation of their courses by their intended transfer institutions before registering for classes at CVCC. While CVCC makes every effort through advising and printed materials to provide accurate information to meet transfer and degree requirements, it is the student’s responsibility to select and register for courses needed to meet those requirements.

In addition to following the transfer guide, students are advised to personally contact their transfer schools to verify specific admissions and course requirements for their majors.

CVCC academic advisors assist students in planning transfer programs. Students should consult with their academic advisor before registering each term.