Student Organizations and Events

Student organization meetings and events are advertised on campus bulletin boards, in the College calendar, on activity screens, and through campus email and social media. Contact the Office of Student Development and Success for more information about specific organizations and activities. Students events include but are not limited to:

  • Black History Observance
  • Constitution Day
  • Fall Festival
  • Holocaust Remembrance
  • Homecoming  
  • Indigenous Day
  • International Talk Like a Pirate Day
  • National Hispanic Heritage
  • Spring Festival                                               
  • Veterans Day

Students may form new organizations on campus with the approval of the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success and the Dean of Students and Campus Services.

Procedures for Forming a New Student Organization

Any group desiring to organize on campus must request permission from the Office of Student Development and Success and Dean of Students and Campus Services by submitting a Request for Official Recognition of Student Organization form to the Office of Student Development and Success. The following items must also be submitted with the form.

  1. A complete statement of the goals and purpose(s) of the organization;
  2. A complete statement of the proposed functions of the organization;
  3. The constitution and by-laws by which the organization will be governed; 
  4.  A name and potential initial membership list for the organization and
  5.  The name(s) of faculty/staff employee(s) who will serve as advisor(s).

The Dean of Students and Campus Services and the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success will approve or disapprove the application, and the organization's applying member(s) will be notified. The Dean of Students and Campus Services will authorize interested faculty and staff members to serve as advisors to approved organizations. Upon approval by the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success and Dean of Students and Campus Services, the organization will be authorized to operate for one year.

Procedures for Student Meetings

Recognized student organizations are required to hold meetings on campus. Special permission must be obtained from the Dean of Students and Campus Services for off-campus meetings and activities outside the traditional meeting format.

Procedure for Conducting Campus Activities

Speakers and special programs sponsored by student organizations must have the formal approval of an Organization Advisor, the Office of Student Development and Success, and the Dean of Students and Campus Services by the standards set forth by the College. Requests for activities (other than regular meetings) must be made in writing at least 14 days prior to the event.

The following procedures are required to receive approval for activities other than regularly scheduled on-campus meetings:

  • A Student Activity Request Form must be submitted to the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success.
  • The Student Activity Request must be submitted 14 working days before the proposed event.
  • A request for off-campus speakers or performers must be made a minimum of 14 working days prior to the issuance of an invitation by the student organization.
  • The activity is considered approved once the student Organization Advisor receives a return copy of the Student Activity request with all required signatures. If the Organization Advisor does not receive the submitted Student Activity Request within seven days of submission, the student organization is not authorized to move forward with planning as though approved.
  • If an activity is not approved, the Office of Student Development and Success will notify the Organization Advisor and present a copy of the Student Activity Request with an attached explanation of the disapproval.
  • If the organization does not agree with the decision, the organization may appeal the decision to the Dean of Students and Campus Services. The ruling of the Dean of Students and College Services is final.
  • If the activity requires students to miss class to participate, the Organization Advisor must obtain permission for excused absence by completing a Request for Excused Absence–College Function form and submitting it to the Office of Student Development and Success. This form should be submitted at least two working weeks in advance.

Procedure for Requesting Travel for Student Organizations

The following procedures must be followed for requesting travel for a student organization or group:

  1. Prior to the travel occurrence, the advisor or chaperone shall submit a Request for Student Travel to the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success for travel approval.
  2. The content of the request should include:
    1. Dates of travel;
    2. Names of traveler(s);
    3. Requested trip costs to be paid by the club/organization;
    4. The purpose and name of the event; and
    5. Note any exceptional circumstances that may apply.
  3. Upon approval, the advisors/chaperones will be notified by the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success.
  4. All students and staff must sign the CVCC General Release Indemnity and Waiver of Liability prior to travel.
  5. Upon completion of the approved travel, the advisor/chaperone shall submit a Statement of Actual Student Travel Form to the Business Office.


CVCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, religion, creed, national origin, or age in regard to athletics. Please see our nondiscrimination policy on page ii of this Catalog.

CVCC is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the Alabama Community College Conference. The College participates in varsity competitions in men’s baseball, women’s softball, men’s basketball, and women’s basketball. The College competes with other members of the conference as well as junior colleges from other states. Students interested in intercollegiate athletics should contact the CVCC Athletic Director in Key Hall at 334-214-4880.


The CVCC Concert Choir and Show Band are open to all interested students. Students must audition to participate. For more information, please contact Tom Daniel, music instructor in Fine Arts 102, at 334-291-4987 in the Division of Fine Arts and Social Sciences.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for students of two-year colleges. Phi Theta Kappa was founded to acknowledge and encourage leadership and academic excellence in two-year college students. Alpha Theta Rho is the name of the CVCC chapter. Students with a minimum of twelve credit hours, a cumulative GPA of 3.5, and a 3.5 GPA for the semester will receive an invitation to join Phi Theta Kappa the following semester. Please refer to this website for information.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (SGA) has a significant role in all phases of extracurricular programs and represents the student body in all matters of concern to students. This association operates under a constitution written by the students. There are four executive officers. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected in the spring each year to serve in the following academic year. The officers must maintain a 2.5 overall average and attend the College.