Advising, Testing, and Academic Support

Advising and testing services are available to all students. Students may receive help with problems concerning the choice of curriculum or program, career planning, transfer advising, adjusting to college, and/or coping with daily demands. Referrals are available for problems of a personal nature. Students are encouraged to visit the Office of Student Development and Success in Wilson Hall.  Appointments may also be made.

Academic Advising

As soon as a student is admitted to the College, he/she will be assigned an advisor. The advisor will help the student plan a program of study appropriate for the student’s interests and abilities. A student must also consult with an advisor about scheduling classes. It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment and meet with the advisor during the advisor’s scheduled office hours to plan programs and courses for each semester. Unclassified students interested in exploring program options available at the College may also contact the Office of Student Development and Success.

Academic Advising Philosophy

Chattahoochee Valley Community College (CVCC) recognizes academic advising as an essential part of the educational process. The primary focus of academic advising at CVCC is to help students pursue realistic academic and career goals by providing them with accurate information and guidance to support them in the decision-making process. Furthermore, academic advising should help students recognize and accept responsibility for choosing their educational programs.

To be effective, academic advising must be taken seriously by students, advisors, and the institution, with an understanding that academic advising is critical to students' academic success. Effective academic advising requires an open environment in which the advisor is concerned about the student’s welfare in pursuing academic and career goals. Effective academic advising is concerned with student development and success. It helps students establish educational plans consistent with life goals, as well as assisting students to evaluate and re-evaluate their progress toward established goals.

The institution, advisor, and student have responsibilities that must be accepted and fulfilled if students are to benefit from an efficient and effective academic advising process.

Responsibilities of the Institution

  1. Provide advisors with accurate and complete information on institutional policies and procedures, program of study requirements, courses of instruction, graduation requirements, and available institutional resources.
  2. Provide advisors with access to necessary student data, accurate, current student transcripts, and evaluation of transfer credit.
  3. Provide advisors with access to information needed in the advising process.
  4. Assign advisors and inform students of their respective advisors' identities, office locations, email addresses, office telephone numbers, and times advisors may be contacted to make appointments.
  5. Provide new students with pre-college and orientation classes.
  6. Administer placement tests to new students upon admission, including portions of placement tests for transfer students when needed.
  7. Conduct advising orientation for new advisors and professional development for advisors.

Responsibilities of the Advisor

  1. Be accessible to students.
  2. Maintain accurate records of information relative to each advisee’s academic activities and progress.
  3. Be aware of each advisee’s educational and career goals and, when needed, help students formulate and clarify these goals.
  4. Guide students in obtaining accurate information about transfer institutions.
  5. Provide students with information about alternatives, limitations, and possible long- and short-range consequences of academic choices.
  6. Refer students to appropriate College services or off-campus agencies.
  7. Help students choose courses appropriate for their educational and career goals and evaluate progress toward them.
  8. Schedule appointments with advisees to ensure adequate time to discuss each advisee’s academic progress.
  9. help students make long-range plans about scheduling courses as much as possible.
  10. Focus on which and why particular courses should be taken.
  11. Review Degree Works and the student’s progress toward degree completion.

Responsibilities of the Student Advisee

  1. Ensure academic records from other educational institutions have been sent to CVCC.
  2. Know the advisor’s identity, office location, office telephone number, email, and office hours.
  3. Schedule an advising appointment at least once per term with his/her advisor apart from the scheduling and registration process.
  4. Promptly keep appointments. If unable to keep appointments, notify the advisor as soon as possible and schedule a new appointment.
  5. Discuss educational and career goals with his/her academic advisor and other resource persons.
  6. Develop educational and career goals.
  7. Be aware of CVCC policies and procedures, program-of-study, and graduation requirements.
  8. Be prepared for the advising appointment to schedule classes before meeting with the advisor. Students should study the class schedule, know the courses needed, have a list of alternatives, know which courses are offered at times they can attend, and have a list of questions for the advisor.
  9. Accept responsibility for academic choices. The advisor may discuss options with the student, but the student must decide.
  10. Maintain personal records of academic activities and progress.
  11. Seek help from the advisor when needed. The student should consult with the advisor whenever he/she is unsure of the best academic action to take and before making changes in the program of study.
  12. Review Degree Works and progress toward degree completion.


COMPASS (Comprehensive Onboarding by Mapping a Pathway for Advising and Student Success) provides intrusive onboarding and transition assistance to students enrolling at Chattahoochee Valley Community College. Student success navigators assist students in the application and enrollment process, and academic success coaches and advisors support students through academic advisement and career exploration activities. Students also receive monthly communications from academic support coaches and advisors to encourage them to utilize campus resources and ensure they are on track to graduate. To learn more about COMPASS, visit the Student Development and Success Office in Wilson Hall.

SENSE Program - Title III

The Strategies to Enhance New Student Engagement (SENSE) program is an academic support services initiative funded by a Title III Strengthening Institutions Programs grant. It provides students with advising and success coaching to improve their college experience. The program engages first-generation college students to assist them in their journey to success. Through Success Coaching, support is customized to fit specific needs, including balancing commitments, connecting with campus resources, growth mindset, resiliency, and academic planning. Academic success workshops on study skills, learning style discovery, financial literacy, and goal setting also engage students in the academic process through the SENSE program. In conjunction with the College Tutoring Center, students are provided additional academic support in various subjects to enhance their learning experience. The Retention Specialist works with students to increase their persistence, retention, and completion rates. The collaboration of these support services provides constant contact and referrals for internal or external services to address their needs. To learn more about the program, visit the SENSE staff in Owen Hall on the ground level.

Job Placement

Students and alumni seeking help with job placement are encouraged to visit the SENSE Office located in Owen Hall on the ground level. Listings of part-time and full-time positions are on file.