Admission Process

Chattahoochee Valley Community College admissions processes and policies are based on Alabama Community College System (ACCS) BOT Policy 801. 01. All students must complete an admission application, provide one (1) form of primary identification (including but not limited to state or federal-issued ID), provide a transcript (if applicable), and provide other appropriate documentation as required by specific programs to complete their admission file.

For the protection of the public and to assist in maintaining state and local security, persons who are not citizens of the United States may not be admitted to any Alabama Community College System institution to enroll in flight training or any segment or portion of a flight training program, until appropriate certification and approval have been received from the Office of the Attorney General of the United States, pursuant to Section 113 of the Aviation Transportation and Security Act, regulations of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and all other applicable directives.

Admission Classifications & Required Admission Documentation

First Time: A student with no prior postsecondary experience after graduating high school or completing a GED.

  • Admission Application
  • Official final high school transcript with proof of graduation or GED®. Students with associate or bachelor’s degrees are not required to submit a high school transcript.
  • Official transcript(s) –all college(s) attended (if applicable)

*Unofficial transcripts may be submitted in accordance with CVCC policy.

Transfer: A student who previously attended another college or university.               

  • Admission Application
  • Official final high school transcript with proof of graduation or GED®. Students with associate or bachelor’s degrees are not required to submit a high school transcript.
  • Official transcript(s) – all college(s) attended

*Unofficial transcripts may be submitted in accordance with CVCC policy. *Acceptance of transfer credits is based upon CVCC policy.

Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit: A secondary education student earning college credit while still in high school. Dual enrollment credit may be applied toward high school AND college.

  • Admission Application
  • High school transcript
  • Written approval from the school administrator

*Unofficial transcripts may be submitted in accordance with CVCC policy.

Accelerated: A secondary education student earning college credit while still in high school. Accelerated credit may not substitute for high school requirements.

  • Refer to Admission Accelerated High School Student in this section of the Catalog. *Unofficial transcripts may be submitted in accordance with CVCC policy.

Transient: A student enrolled at another college or university taking classes at an ACCS institution to transfer credit to the home college or university.

  • Transient admission application
  • Appropriate transient documentation from the home institution

Re-Admit/Returning: A student who has not enrolled in courses at the institution within the last academic year as determined by local institutional calendars.

  • Admission Application
  • Official final high school transcript with proof of graduation or GED® (if applicable). 

Students with associate or bachelor’s degrees are not required to submit a high school transcript.

  • Official transcript(s) – all college(s) attended (if applicable)

*Unofficial transcripts may be submitted in accordance with CVCC policy.

Special/Non-Degree Seeking: A student who wishes to enroll but does not wish to pursue a degree or certificate.

  • Admission Application
  • Official final high school transcript with proof of graduation or GED® (if applicable). Students with associate or bachelor’s degrees are not required to submit a high school transcript.
  • Official transcript(s) – all college(s) attended (if applicable)

*Unofficial transcripts may be submitted in accordance with local institutional policy.

International: A student who is a citizen of another country.

  • Refer to Admission International Student in this section.

Non-high school graduates and non-GED students

  • Required assessment score (in accordance with current assessment procedures)
  • Written consent from the appropriate secondary administrator (if under the age of 17)

• Students may be admitted to non-degree and career pathways programs as defined under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and by the federal Pell Grant Ability-to-Benefit criteria.

Accelerated High School Students

A student is eligible for admission as an accelerated student if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • The student has completed the 10th grade.
  • The student provides a letter from the local principal or their designee.  Accelerated students enrolled in private, home school/private tutor, parochial, or church/religious secondary educational entities must be documented in writing by an appropriate secondary official. Approval from secondary school officials indicates that the student has demonstrated both academic readiness and social maturity,
  • The student has completed the high school prerequisites for the courses they want to enroll in.

Note: An accelerated student must satisfy admission requirements except proof of high school graduation or GED completion.  

  • Accelerated students may enroll in academic, career and technical, or health profession courses/programs by additional written guidance issued by the Chancellor.
  • Enrolled students must pay tuition and fees as required by the institution.
  • The Chancellor may grant exceptions for a student documented as gifted and talented in accordance with Alabama Administrative Code §290-8-9-12. Exceptions apply only to grade completion requirements and completion of high school prerequisites.
  • This admission status is available to students attending public, private, parochial, or church/religious schools pursuant to §16-28-1 of the Code of Alabama 1975 or who are receiving instruction from a home school offering educational instructions in grades K-12, home-schooled students, and those receiving instruction through private tutors.

International Students

Per the ACCS Chancellor’s Policy Procedures for Policy 801.04: Admission: International Students, an international student must provide the documentation listed in the chart on the next page to be admitted to Chattahoochee Valley Community College.


International First-Time Students

International Transfer Students

  • Admission application
  • A certified original translated and evaluated copy of the student's high school transcript if graduated outside of the United States
  • A current and valid passport or other official documentation to verify lawful presence
  • A current photo (passport-size, preferred)
  • A minimum score of 5.5 on the

International English Language Testing System (IELTS), a total score of 61 on the Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language {TOEFL), a 2A on the

Step EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency, or a total score of 500 on the paper-based TOEFL. Institutions may admit students to an established ESL program in preparation for the English Language Exam. However, students may only enroll in regular college courses once the English Language requirement is met.

  • A signed, notarized statement verifying adequate financial support
  • Receipt of I-90I Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee payment.
  • A medical health history with proof of vaccination. (the form is attached)
  • Documentation demonstrating adequate accident, sickness, and life insurance, including evacuation repatriation. Students must maintain insurance coverage throughout their 1-20. The institution may provide an insurance plan or a list of available providers. Note: CVCC does not provide an insurance plan. 
  • Admission application
  • A certified original translated and evaluated copy of the student's high school transcript verifying completion status and a translated and evaluated transcript from each college attended if graduated outside of the United States. Students who have achieved a minimum of a Baccalaureate degree are only required to submit a translated and evaluated transcript from the degree-granting institution
  • Original transcripts from all US institutions attended
  • A signed, notarized statement verifying financial support
  • Copy of the student's current Form 1-20
  • Receipt of 901 Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee payment.
  • Copy of student's Visa and Passport
  • A medical health history with proof of vaccination (form is attached).
  • Documentation demonstrating adequate accident, sickness, and life insurance, including evacuation repatriation. Students must maintain insurance coverage throughout their 1-20. The institution may provide an insurance plan or a list of available providers. Note: CVCC does not provide an insurance plan.

Other non-immigrant students must meet all of the college admission requirements and provide documentation of immigration status. International students who do not provide the required documentation will not be admitted to CVCC.


English as a Second Language Exam Waiver

The English as a Second Language exam may be waived for students from all English-speaking countries, including but not limited to: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia (Australian English), the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize (Belizean Kriol), British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada (Canadian English), the Cayman Islands, Dominica, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guernsey (Channel Island English), Guyana, Ireland (Hiberno-English), Isle of Man (Manx English), Jamaica (Jamaican English), Jersey, Montserrat, Nauru, New Zealand (New Zealand English), Nigeria, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tanzania, Singapore, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, the Turks and Caicos Islands, The Gambia, the United Kingdom, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the United States. If a student from a country not listed wishes to apply for a waiver, the student must provide substantial documentation for the College to submit to the Chancellor for approval.

Articulated Credit

Articulation is designed to create a smooth transition for students from secondary education to postsecondary education by awarding college credit for career/technical courses taken in high school. State articulation agreements are in place in many technical fields, and criteria for awarding articulated credit can be found at Students seeking articulation high school credit should request documents from the high school administrator to support articulation and submit documents to the Admissions Office at CVCC. Please contact the Associate Dean of Technical Education and Workforce Development for additional information.

Dual-Enrollment/Dual-Credit High School Students

Dual-enrollment/dual-credit high school offerings allow eligible high school students who are rising in tenth grades, eleventh, and twelfth grades to enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes either on the college campus or at the high school and receive both high school and college credit. Students must have a minimum cumulative (unweighted) grade-point average (GPA) of 2.5 for Academic and Career Technical Dual Enrollment.

High school students must have written approval from the appropriate high school administrator, who will work with the Dual Enrollment Coordinator for admissions and registration. To apply for dual enrollment/dual credit admissions, students will complete the required application packet and return it to the high school counselor or career tech director. All items included on the checklist must be completed to fulfill the admissions process. If any items are missing from the checklist, admissions to the College will be delayed.

The Statement of Eligibility Form requires the signature of the high school principal and/or school counselor; the counselor may help complete it.

  • The high school counselor will denote the course(s) that a student can take at Chattahoochee Valley Community College while dually enrolled.
  • A copy of the current high school transcript must be included with the application for processing.
  • The counselor or career tech director will then give the completed application to the Chattahoochee Valley Community College Dual Enrollment Coordinator to process the application and assist the student with registration.

Students should work with their counselors, career tech directors, and/or career coaches to submit a completed packet and complete the enrollment process. Questions regarding the process should be directed to the Dual Enrollment Coordinator, Demeka Daniels, at 334-2144810. All applicants must meet the entrance requirements established by the College.

In addition, students must take the ACCUPLACER college placement test, where minimum placement is required, specifically for college-level English and math courses. All dual enrollment students are encouraged to take the ACCUPLACER college placement test before registering for any dual enrollment courses for the 12th-grade year if taking only Career Technical courses.

Note:  The student is responsible for submitting ACT scores for English and Math placement to the College. If an ACT score is unavailable, the student must make arrangements to take the ACCUPLACER placement exam before course registration. For more information about the ACCUPLACER exam, please view this information at

Courses are offered at CVCC campus and specific area high schools. Please see the high school counselor or career technical director for more information. Students may enroll in academic or Career Technical Education (CTE) courses at CVCC. These courses align with industry-standard certifications, which provide training designed to enter the workforce.

The Career Technical Dual Enrollment Scholarship is available to pay for tuition and books while funds are available. Application for scholarships should be completed at the time of application to be eligible to participate. For more information, please go to enrollment or email the Dual Enrollment Coordinator at

All students participating in dual credit coursework are considered Chattahoochee Valley Community College students and are bound by the rules, regulations, and policies of the College and the Alabama Community College System. For more information, please visit

Noncredit Students

Noncredit students who enroll exclusively in noncredit courses may be granted admission without a minimum score on the ACT or SAT, a GED certificate, or transcripts from a high school or college.