Short Certificate

Medical Assisting: EKG Technician Option

The College offers a four (4) credit hour EKG Technician program which prepares students to perform the critical tasks of administering EKGs, as well as Holter monitoring and stress testing. The program provides students with an overview of cardiovascular electrophysiology and its role in healthcare delivery. Topics include cardiovascular anatomy, physiology and electrophysiology, interpretation of rhythm strips and diagnostic electrocardiography. Students should be able to secure an EKG tracing, troubleshoot problems with the acquisition of EKG tracing, and interpret simple EKG rhythm strips. Students will also learn how to set up and administer stress tests and prepare patients for Holter and/ or ambulatory monitoring. Required enrollment in MAT 228E: Medical Assistant EKG Technician Review Course is essential to prepare for the Certified EKG Technician (CET) certification exam.

Required Courses

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