Computer Information Systems

Degrees and Certificates


CIS 111: Word Processing Applications

Semester Hours 3

This course provides students with hands-on experience using word processing software. Students will develop skills common to most word-processing software by developing a wide variety of documents. Emphasis is on planning, developing, and editing functions associated with word processing.

CIS 113: Spreadsheet Software Applications

Semester Hours 3

This course provides students with hands-on experience using spreadsheet software. Students will develop skills common to most spreadsheet software by developing a wide variety of spreadsheets. Emphasis is on planning, developing, and editing functions associated with spreadsheets.

CIS 115: Presentation Graphics Software Applications

Semester Hours 3

This course provides students with hands-on experience using presentation graphics software. Students will develop skills common to most presentation graphics software by developing a wide variety of presentations. Emphasis is on planning, developing, and editing functions associated with presentations.

CIS 117: Database Management Software Applications

Semester Hours 3

This course provides students with hands-on experience using database management software. Students will develop skills common to most database management software by developing a wide variety of databases. Emphasis is on planning, developing, and editing functions associated with database management.

CIS 130: Introduction to Information Systems

Semester Hours 3
This course is an introduction to computers that reviews computer hardware and software concepts such as equipment, operations, communications and programming and their past, present and future impact on society. Topics include computer hardware, various types of computer software, communication technologies and program development using computers to execute software packages and/or to write simple programs. Upon completion, students should be able to describe and use the major components of selected computer software and hardware.

CIS 146: Computer Applications

Semester Hours 3

This course is an introduction to computer software applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software. This course will introduce students to concepts associated with professional certifications. This course will help prepare students for the MOS and IC3 certification. This course or an equivalent is CORE for the A.A.S. CIS programs.

CIS 149: Introduction to Computers

Semester Hours 3

This course is designed for individuals with little to no experience with digital technologies. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of the key concepts and skills related to digital literacy and the confidence to use digital technologies effectively and ethically in their personal and professional lives. Students will learn about cybersecurity threats, such as malware, phishing, and social engineering attacks, and how to avoid digital attacks. The course will help prepare students for the IC3 certification.

CIS 150: Introduction to Computer Logic and Programming

Semester Hours 3
This course includes logic, design and problem-solving techniques used by programmers and analysts in addressing and solving common programming and computing problems. The most used techniques of flowcharts, structure charts and pseudo code will be covered and students will be expected to apply the techniques to designated situations and problems. This is a CORE course for CIS.

CIS 151: Graphics for the World Wide Web

Semester Hours 3
This course will provide an overview to the theory, tools and techniques necessary for creating high-quality graphics using design software tools. This course may be substituted with CAT 150 Imaging I: Principles of Photography and Introduction to Photoshop and CAT 180 Imaging II: Techniques of Photoshop and Painter or equivalent.

CIS 153: Introduction to Unity 3D Scripting

Semester Hours 3
This course teaches Unity 3D in game scripting along with programming basics. This course will prepare students with basic knowledge of Namespaces and Classes, Conditional statements and loops, Unity 3D GUI, Unity’s Mono Behaviors and proper formatting skills and a firm understanding of Unity and Net data types.

CIS 155: Introduction to Mobile App Development

Semester Hours 3
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to various app development tools for various mobile platforms. Specific topics include app distribution sources, mobile device operating systems, survey of app development software, processes for designing, building, deploying, and optimizing apps. At the conclusion of this course students will be able to design, build, deploy, and optimize a basic app.

CIS 157: Introduction to App Development with Swift

Semester Hours 3
This introductory one-semester course is designed to enable students to integrate graphics for mobile app development. Students receive practical experience with the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to build or incorporate basic graphics.

CIS 159: Introduction to Graphic Design for Apps

Semester Hours 3
This introductory one-semester course is designed to enable students to integrate graphics for mobile app development. Students receive practical experience with the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to build or incorporate basic graphics.

CIS 171: Linux I

Semester Hours 3
This course presents fundamental applications in Linux. Included in this course are skills development for OS installation and setup, recompile techniques, system configuration settings, file/folder structures and types, run levels, basic network applications, and scripting. Additionally, the course presents security features from an administrative and user consideration.

CIS 189: Co-op for CIS I

Semester Hours 3
This course is part of a series wherein the student works in a degree/program related job. Emphasis is placed on student’s work experience as it integrates academic knowledge with practical application through exposure to computer practices in informational technologies environment. The grade is based on the employer’s evaluation of each student’s productivity, content of a descriptive report submitted by the student and student development and assessment of a learning contract.

CIS 191: Introduction to Computer Programming Concepts

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces fundamental concepts, including an algorithmic approach to problem solving via the design and implementation of programs in selected languages. Structured programming techniques involving input/output, conditional statements, loops, files, arrays and structures and simple data structures are introduced. Students are expected to write programs as part of this course.

CIS 193: Introduction to Computer Programming Lab

Semester Hours 1
This lab is designed to allow instructors to provide additional implementation of programming concepts as needed. This course may be duplicated with an alpha suffix added to the course number.

CIS 196: Commercial Software Applications

Semester Hours 3
This is a “hands-on” introduction to software packages, languages and utility programs currently in use, with the course being able to repeat for credit for each different topic being covered. Emphasis is placed on the purpose capabilities and utilization of each package, language or program. Upon completion, students will be able to use the features selected for the application covered.

CIS 203: Introduction to the Information Highway

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces students to basic principles of the information highway. Students are exposed to different network information tools such as electronic mail, network news, browsers, commercial information services, appropriate editors, and Web authoring software.

CIS 207: Web Development

Semester Hours 3
This course provides students with opportunities to learn Hypertext Markup Language, cascading style sheets and Java Script. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to use specified markup languages to develop basic Web pages.

CIS 210: Case Study in Computer Skills Application

Semester Hours 1
This course is designed to provide students with a capstone experience incorporating the knowledge and skills learned in the Computer Information systems program into student projects/case studies. Special emphasis is given to student skill attainment.

CIS 211: Principles of Information Assurance

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to introduce students to information security principles. Topics covered in this course will include the need for security, risk management, security technology, cryptography, and physical security. Security policies and legal/ethical issues will also be covered.

CIS 212: Visual Basic Programming

Semester Hours 3
This course emphasizes BASICprogramming using agraphical user interface. The course will emphasize graphical user interfaces with additional topics such as advanced file handling techniques, simulation and other selected areas. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the topics through the completion of programming projects and appropriate tests.

CIS 214: Security Analyst (Pen Testing)

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces students to the concept of security analysis, or penetration testing, of information systems. Students will evaluate the security of a computer system or network, assessing security risks from the position of a potential attacker. Emphasis is on identifying security flaws and providing technical solutions.

CIS 219: Android App Development

Semester Hours 3
This course will help students learn to program apps for an Android operating system using a specified programming language. Student will be able to develop, build, deploy, and optimize an app for an Android operating system.

CIS 223: Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling

Semester Hours 3
This course is a study in 3D computer modeling and 3D painting beginning with primitive shapes and creating compelling 3D objects for use in model libraries, games, print material, web sites, visual simulation and architectural applications. Powerful operations for modeling and 3D painting are incorporated into an interface that is simple and intuitive to use.

CIS 224: Three-Dimensional Computer Animation

Semester Hours 3
This course is a study in 3D computer animation. Course contents include a review of 3D modeling, rendering the 3D animations, compositing and special effects for both video and digital editing, video and film recording, storyboarding and sound design, technical testing and production estimates and scheduling.

CIS 244: Introduction to Cybersecurity

Semester Hours 3

This course will introduce students to cybersecurity while gaining additional insight into the challenges companies face today. Students will develop an understanding of cybercrime, security principles, technologies, procedures, and techniques used to defend networks.

CIS 245: Cyber Defense

Semester Hours 3
This course provides students with information on the concept of cyber defense. Topics include information relative to legal aspects of cyber-attacks, threats to various levels of national and local social infrastructure, financial systems, personal data and other direct and indirect threats. As part of this course students explore current and historical cyber threats and U.S. policy regarding infrastructure protection.

CIS 246: Ethical Hacking

Semester Hours 3

This course emphasizes scanning, testing, and securing computer systems. The lab-intensive environment provides opportunities to understand how perimeter defenses work and how hackers are able to compromise information systems. With awareness of hacking strategies, students learn to counteract those attempts in an ethical manner.

CIS 248: Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things)

Semester Hours 3
This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of IoT. Emphasis will be on understanding how the IoT is bridging the gap between operational and information technology systems and the security concerns that must be considered, when implementing IoT solutions.

CIS 249: Microcomputer Operating Systems

Semester Hours 3
This course provides an introduction to microcomputer operating systems. Topics include: a description of the operating system, system commands and effective and efficient use of the microcomputer with the aid of its system programs. Upon completion, students should understand the function and role of the operating system, its operational characteristics, its configuration, how to execute programs and efficient disk and file management.

CIS 250: E-Commerce

Semester Hours 3
This course is an introduction into e-commerce. Topics include marketing, building an e-commerce store, security, and electronic payment systems. Upon completion students will be able to build an e-commerce presence.

CIS 251: C++ Programming

Semester Hours 3
This course is an introduction to the C++ programming language including object oriented programming. Topics include: problem solving and design, control structures, objects and events, user interface construction and document and program testing.

CIS 268: Software Support

Semester Hours 3
This course provides students with hands-on practical experience in installing computer software, operating systems and troubleshooting. The class will help to prepare participants for the A+ Certification sponsored by CompTIA. This course is a suitable substitute for CIS 239, Networking Software. If used, this is a CORE course for the AAT and AAS CIS programs.

CIS 269: Hardware Support

Semester Hours 3
This course provides students with hands-on practical experience in installation and troubleshooting computer hardware. The class will help to prepare participants for the A+ Certification sponsored by CompTIA. This is a suitable substitute for CIS 240, Networking Hardware.


Semester Hours 3

This course is the first part of a three-part curriculum leading to CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The content of this course is based on current requirements from the CISCO Networking Academy certification standards.


Semester Hours 3

This course is the second part of a three-part curriculum leading to CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The content of this course is based on current requirements from the CISCO Networking Academy certification standards.

CIS 272: Cisco CCNA III

Semester Hours 3

This course is the third part of a three-part curriculum leading to Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. The content of this course is based on current requirements from the Cisco Networking Academy certification standards.

CIS 273: Cisco CCNA IV

Semester Hours 3

This course is the fourth part of a four-part curriculum leading to Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. Its content is based on current requirements from the Cisco Networking Academy certification standards.

CIS 275: Workstation Administration

Semester Hours 3

This course provides a study of client system administration in a network environment. Topics include installing, monitoring, maintaining, and troubleshooting client operating system software and managing hardware devices and shared resources. Students gain hands-on experience in client operating system installation and basic administration of network workstations.

CIS 276: Server Administration

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces network operating system administration. Topics included in this course are: network operating system software installation, administration, monitoring and maintenance; user, group and computer account management; shared resource management and server hardware management. Students gain hands-on experience in managing and maintaining a network operating system environment.

CIS 277: Network Services Administration

Semester Hours 3
This course provides an introduction to the administration of fundamental networking services and protocols. Topics included in this course are: implementing, managing and maintaining essential network operating system services such as those for client address management, name resolution, security, routing and remote access. Students gain hands-on experience performing common network infrastructure administrative tasks.

CIS 279: Network Infrastructure Design

Semester Hours 3
This course provides a study of network infrastructure design. Topics included in this course are strategies for planning, implementing, and maintaining server availability and security, client addressing schemes, name resolution, routing, remote access, and network security. Students gain experience by designing plans for implementing common network infrastructure and protocols.

CIS 280: Network Security

Semester Hours 3
This course provides a study of threats to network security and methods of securing a computer network from such threats. Topics included in this course are: security risks, intrusion detection and methods of securing authentication, network access, remote access, web access and wired and wireless network communications. Upon completion students will be able to identify security risks and describe appropriate counter measures.

CIS 282: Computer Forensics

Semester Hours 3
This course introduces students to methods of computer forensics and investigations. This course helps prepare students for industry specific certification.

CIS 284: CIS Internship

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to work in a degree/program related environment. Emphasis is placed on the student’s “real world” work experience as it integrates academics with practical applications that relate meaningfully to careers in the computer discipline. Significance is also placed on the efficient and accurate performance of job tasks as provided by the “real world” work experience. Grades for this course will be based on a combination of the employer’s evaluation of the student and the contents of a report submitted by the student. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to a “real world” work experience.

CIS 291: Case Study in Computer Science

Semester Hours 3
This course is a case study involving the assignment of a complete system development project for analysis, programming, implementation and documentation. Topics include: planning system analysis and design, programming techniques, coding and documentation. Upon completion, students should be able to design, code, test and document a comprehensive computer information system.

CIS 294: Special Topics

Semester Hours 3
This course allows study of currently relevant computer science topics, with the course being able to be repeated for credit for each different topic covered. Course content will be determined by the instructor and will vary according to the topic being covered. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the course topic through completion of assignments and appropriate tests.

CIS 299: Directed Studies in Computer Science

Semester Hours 3
This course allows independent study under the direction of an instructor. Topics to be included in the course material will be approved by the instructor prior to or at the beginning of the class. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the topics as specified by the instructor.