Buildings and Grounds

Students are expected to help maintain the cleanliness, safety, and good order of the College buildings and grounds. Students may not consume food or beverages inside classrooms or the Learning Resource Center. Students are also encouraged to report any campus health, safety, or maintenance problems or concerns to the Office of the Dean of Students and Campus Services in Wallace Hall 203.

Building and Facilities Accessibility

It is the policy of CVCC to make programs and services available to the fullest extent reasonable to students with disabilities. In keeping with that effort, accessibility ramps have been constructed at College buildings, sidewalks, and parking lots. In addition, elevators are available to provide full access to Wallace Hall, Brassell Hall, Fine Arts Hall, the Instructional and Performing Arts Center, the Workforce Training Center, and the Learning Resource Center. A map of the campus is also available here

A student who needs accessibility assistance or orientation and mobility (O&M) assistance on campus may contact the Associate Dean of Student Development and Success, Vickie Williams, who also serves as the ADA Coordinator, located in the Office of Student Development and Success Wilson Hall, at 334-214-4803 or e-mail